Friday, 18 November 2011

Linguistic Study : wOrKinG WiTH AmBiGuITY aNd TrEe DiAgRaM


An example of ambiguity:

I promise I'll give you a ring tomorrow. <<<(not me ...hahahaha)

Although uncommon in American dialects, "giving someone a ring" can simply mean calling them on the telephone. But, obviously, the above sentence can also mean giving someone a piece of jewelry worn on the finger. The statement is, therefore, ambiguous.

                                                                                                      thanks to MR.WIKI

Phrase structure rules

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phrase-structure rules are a way to describe a given language's syntax.
They are used to break down a natural language sentence into its constituent parts
(also known as syntactic categories) namely phrasal categories and lexical categories
(aka parts of speech). Phrasal categories include the noun phraseverb phrase, and prepositional phrase;
 lexical categories include nounverbadjectiveadverb, and many others.
 Phrase structure rules were commonly used in transformational grammar (TGG),
 although they were not an invention of TGG; rather, early TGG's added to phrase structure rules
 (the most obvious example being transformations; see the page transformational grammar for an
overview of the development of TGG.) A grammar which uses phrase structure rules is
called a phrase structure grammar - except in computer science, where it is known as
 just a grammar, usually context-free.


Phrase structure rules are usually of the form A \to B \quad C, meaning that the constituent A
is separated into the two subconstituents B and C.
Some examples correct inter alia for natural English language are:
S \to NP \quad VP
NP \to Det \quad N1
N1 \to (AP) \quad N1 \quad (PP)
The first rule reads: An S consists of an NP followed by a VP. This means A sentence 
consists of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase. The next one: A noun phrase consists 
of a determiner followed by a noun.
Further explanations of the constituents: SDetNPVPAPPP
Associated with phrase structure rules is a famous example of a grammatically
 correct sentence. The sentence was constructed by Noam Chomsky as an illustration
that syntactically but not semantically correct sentences are possible.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously can be diagrammed as a phrase tree, as below:
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
where S represents a grammatical sentence. The theory of antisymmetry proposed in
 the early '90s by Richard Kayne is an attempt to derive phrase structure from a single axiom.
 A phrase tree can be represented by a ultrametric, see Mark D. Roberts

                                  >>>>  DRAW THE TREE and all the fruits

The examples of tree diagrams.

p/s:ok ,done for this time being.......

1 comment:

  1. nak chat senag je....taip je kat tulis relevant respon tu...dah tunggu apa? tulis cepatt....haaaiiiippp!!


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